John Hsu



February 9

Lunar New Year Lantern Festival



  VIP Congressman Ed Royce, Deputy Dickie Simmons, State Assemblyman Curt Hagman, Dr. David Hall, Walnut Council Lady Mary Su, Walnut Councilman J. Gomez, Mayor of City of Monterey Park Anthoy Wang, Thai Networking and Community Affairs Don Chukiat, RUSD Heidi Gallego, and Taiwan Realty Kelvin Chen.

Thank you for all of the community leaders and government officials showing your support for this community event!



台灣房屋、朋友豐田、琉璃藥上堂、Metro Realty、Clearmist Vape、Magic Restroom Café、Bread of Life Christian Church、Rosehill等展覽攤位皆帶來豐富的資訊與解說,而艋呷、伴伴堂、King Kong café、Hugo Food、Red Pine 品立方等攤位提供了正宗台灣口味的鹹酥雞、蚵仔煎、臭豆腐、香腸、炒米粉、烤肉、波霸奶茶、青草茶等等讓人口水直流的美味小吃。在 STC 資產管理公司攤位提供的由四季新皇宮所準備的免費湯圓,更是吸引了大排長龍的人群。現場有吃有玩還有精彩的表演欣賞,讓所有與會觀眾大呼過癮。在精彩表演接二連三登場之際,穿插其中的抽獎活動更是讓所有現場朋友們的情緒沸騰。近百位的幸運得獎者抱走包括IPad Mini、高級家電、現金折價券等等幾十項大獎,現場氣氛high到最高點。

表演精彩、美食好吃、攤位好玩,現場眾多貴賓與會出席更是讓整個活動星光閃閃,包括美國國會眾議員 Ed Royce、加州參議員 Bob Huff 夫人暨代表Mei Mei、洛杉磯縣代表 Dickie Simmons、蒙市市長 Anthony Wong、核桃市市議員 Mary Su、El Monte 市議員 J Gomez、Rosemead 市長代表、羅蘭學區主席 Heidi Gallego 等貴賓均到場祝賀致贈獎狀,與每一位現場的朋友們一起來共襄盛舉慶祝佳節,更為本活動與在美華人帶來無比的喜悅與光榮。

2014 Seasons Place Lantern Festival/ Lunar New Year Event takes place in the City of Industry

Amidst the red lanterns and couplets hung ceremoniously a lively festival filled with singing, martial arts, dragon and lion dance, opera, and riddles took place at Seasons Place. With the constant influx of thousands of spectators, exhibitions, games, and food booths, this celebration marked an amazing and fun way to spend a Sunday.
Sponsored by STC Management, STC Foundation, and Seasons Place, this year’s Lunar New Year Event was graced by booths such as Taiwan Realty, Metro Realty, Bread of Life Christian Church, Rose Hills, Clearmist Vape, Unique Family Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. D Herb, all of whom brought a wealth of information to festival goers while Hugo Food, Half and Half, iFoods Taiwanese Sausage, Monja, King Kong Café, Magic Restroom Café, and Red Pine, provided mouth watering snacks in the form of Taiwanese popcorn chicken, oyster omelets, stinky tofu, sausage, fried rice, barbecue, boba tea, etc. Green Grace Inc., Rick Caroline, Harajuku Nails, Toyota, and A Beauty and Figure Inc., all offered services, giveaways, and coupons to brighten the days of any participant. STC Management added to the joyous occasion by providing complimentary rice balls, entertainment and raffles with prizes ranging from coupons, kitchen appliance, to an iPad Mini.

In addition to the spectacular show, many noteworthy members of Rowland Heights and its surrounding area came to participate and support this event. U.S. Congressman Ed Royce, Mei Mei representing State Senator Bob Huff, Dickie Simmons representing Don Knabe, Monterey Park Mayor Anthony Wong, member of Walnut City Council, Mary Su, El Monte City’s J. Gomez, and RUSD School District’s Heidi Gallegos all congratulated the festival and provided certificates of merit. Together, this scene of friends and family joined together to celebrate the holidays is enough to warm the hearts of anyone during this cold season.

2013 Lunar New Year and Lantern Festival Information

Organizer 主辦單位

STC Foundation
SeasonsPlace STC Management STC Center


Thanks to our Sponsors 感謝我們的贊助商

GoldIC Dictionary
Four Seasons Seafood
Valley Vista
Rosemead Beauty
Taiwan Realty
Puente Hills Toyota

Lunar flyers

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